Hello Dr. Laura,
Today you took a call from a woman whose husband said it was easier to talk to his girlfriend by email than it was to talk to her. You recommended that the wife email him as a method to address their communication problems. You said that it would spark conversations because he could remain detached and yet be able to open up to her through the computer.
Although my husband and I have no communication problems, we recently moved into a large home and his office is downstairs while the kitchen is upstairs. I began calling him on our phone when dinner was almost ready and we loved it! It was almost like we were dating again and we did not want to hang up in fact, most times we talk until he appears in the kitchen to give a hug and a kiss and sometimes more!
Your advice was to use text or email, but whichever electronic method couples use, I hope it will work as well as the phone works for us. I look forward to listening for years to come!