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Letters From Listeners

Misconceptions About Stay-at-Home Moms

Dear Dr. Laura,

For 9 glorious years, I was a stay-at-home mom, until both children were in school and then I went back to school to get my master's in education so that I could have the same type of school schedule that they had. I made sure I was always there for my children with a plate of cookies in one hand and a hug from the other.

When my children were young, and my husband was up-and-coming in his job, we went to various functions and "hobnobbed" with some people in high positions. The other wives all worked and when anybody asked me what I did for a living, they paled at my response and suddenly felt the need for another drink or an hors d'oeuvre. It got to the point where I felt embarrassed at saying that I was a stay-at-home mom, but in my heart, I knew it was the most important job of all and I tried to state it with as much pride and enthusiasm as I could muster. I think the biggest misconception is that people don't realize that it takes skill at multitasking, organization, leadership, ingenuity, a level head to run a household and mentor children - at least if you do it well. My husband always complimented me on a clean, organized house with happy children and a lovely dinner awaiting him when he came home from work. Sometimes, on a busy day, when fun with the kids superseded cleaning house, I would just put a little dab of Pledge behind my ear and my husband would still be turned on!

Above all else, I am my kids' mom and my husband's girlfriend! And that is the best job of all!! I have listened to you for 21 years. Thank you, Dr. Laura for your support of stay at home moms!


Tags: Education, Multitasking, SAHM stay-at-home mom, School, Stay-at-Home Mom
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