Dear Dr. Laura,
I have listened to you for many years and have never called or emailed you before. But after hearing today's "toilet paper" call, I knew that I had to write you. Tomorrow is my 22nd anniversary. For the first 15 years of my marriage, I got bugged about all the "little things" my husband did wrong. One of them was the toilet paper. Often, when I would go to the bathroom, the roll would be empty and he hadn't changed it. I would complain to him (oh, yes, and by the way, make sure that it goes OVER the roll!) to no avail. Then one day, sitting at the toilet, looking again at the empty roll, I had an epiphany! How many things do I do wrong he never tells me about? I realized I probably do a whole lot of things "wrong" and he keeps his criticisms to himself! From that point on, every time I came to any empty roll, I would happily change it knowing he was putting up with something I did wrong!
My marriage is 'easy' because both of us try hard to make the other person happy. I make sure if he works late, his dinner is hot and waiting for him, I bring him a cold drink when he's working in the yard and I love making him "boy food" to eat during football games. He in turn, brings me my morning tea and newspaper in bed, makes breakfast every morning and always remembers to put the toilet seat down. I think the secret to a good marriage is the "small stuff". Don't sweat the small stuff but don't forget how important the small stuff is: a hot dinner and a cup of tea in bed. I probably don't tell my husband I love him enough in words, but I hope I SHOW him every day how much I love him by my actions.
Thank You,