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Letters From Listeners

Part of the Fight

Dr Laura,
My kids were wrestling on the floor, when my 8-year-old son sat up and tossed me his beloved stuffed animal. With urgency he asked me to protect his stuffed animal, then turned and jumped back into the "ring". It was a reminder to me that as a Mom, I am still "part of the fight." Who else would my son trust to guard and defend his most precious companion while his back was turned? Who else could he depend upon for such an important task? This is a hard concept for some women, especially my women friends who have husbands in the military. Equality doesn't mean sameness. When the wives hear their husbands talk of the brotherhood they feel with fellow soldiers, the wives feel left out. I ask them if they are being "brothers" with their husbands in the battles of every day life...or are they being nags? Can their husbands depend on them like he can his fellows in uniform? Are they focused and part of the cause he is fighting for? 
My son knew his tough mom could handle it. He wouldn't ask anyone else.

Tags: How Could You Do That?!: The Abdication of Character, Courage, and Conscience, Humor, Marriage, Motherhood-Fatherhood, Parenting, Relationships, Women's Point of View
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