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Letters From Listeners


R.E.S.P.E.C.T. What does it mean to me?

As a mom and Dr. Laura listener, it means raising kids who are Responsible, Enduring, Steadfast, Productive, Effective, Charitable and Tolerant.

Fueled by your advice to raise one’s own children, and prompted by gratitude that, as a cancer survivor, I was given the opportunity to make an impact on my kids’ lives, we made the decision to raise our own children. It was tough. I endured treatments while one of my newborn twins underwent open heart surgery. But we were blessed with health, remained committed, and, in the years to follow, taught our kids about character, serving God and one’s community. Long periods of joy were punctuated by equally (doubly?) long periods of frustration. Employment might have been the more celebrated, profitable (and peaceful) route. We are parents to two talented 16 year old twins and a lovely 18 year old, and I’m glad I did not take the easy route! As I write this, my kids are serving the needy: one in our community, and one on Skid Row. My youngest, a songwriter and worship leader, has recently recorded a song “See It Through Me” (shameless plug) in which all the proceeds benefit a foundation assisting families with children suffering life threatening illnesses. One has committed to helping an organization called Invisible Children, assisting kids in the war torn region of Uganda and the Congo.
As a bonus, staying at home has allowed me to become involved in their friends’ lives as well, and I am honored to be “Mamma B” to countless other incredible teens that frequent my home. I am many kids’ mom!

Thank you, Dr. Laura!


Tags: Behavior, Gratitude, Parenting, Regarding Dr. Laura, Respect, Values
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