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Email of the Day

Sex Is Better When You Know That You Are Loved

I was 26 when I married my husband.  On our third date, I told him I did not believe in sex outside of marriage.  He was surprised, as he hadn't encountered a lot of virgins in their twenties!  Most guys I had dated usually never called again after that disclosure, so I always viewed that as a quick way to sort through the frogs and not bother trying to turn them into princes.  But this guy admired my resolve and was very supportive.

Through our dating and engagement, we had our temptations, but as we got closer to our wedding, he took more pride in our relationship than even I did.  No one else even knew!  He proved to me how much I could depend on him to put my needs first, to treat me with respect, to use self-control and to be someone who would not give in to instant gratification.  I always laugh when people say you have to live together to know the other person before you get married.  He showed me everything I needed to know BECAUSE we didn't live together first.  I didn't care about his daily habits.  I did care that he had integrity, and a sense of commitment and honor.  And I still feel that way ten years and two kids later!

I think sex for women is a whole lot better when you know first that you are loved, cherished and respected rather than using it as a bizarre gauge to figure out what he thinks about you.  

Tags: Choose Wisely-Treat Kindly, Personal Responsibility, Regarding Dr. Laura, Sex, Values
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