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Email of the Day

Shark Attack

Dear Dr. Laura:

I just finished your latest book, Surviving a Shark Attack (on Land), and I cannot thank you enough for writing such an insightful, helpful book. Everyone on the planet should read this book.

Here's how it helped me: I married a wonderful man with a not-so-wonderful family. They have a PhD in betraying each other. His mother and sister are a backstabbing, mean duo who seeks to destroy all things happy and fun. We put up with their needling attacks for years. However, when we had children and the meanness did not stop, we removed ourselves from the destructive environment. My husband's resolve and strength in standing up to them has made me realize what a real man he is, and how he will protect his family at all costs. What an amazing man. Since our refusal to involve ourselves in their destructive ways, they have launched a campaign to attempt to make us feel guilty and bad for our happy lives. They tried to make us believe that WE are the bad guys for our actions. My husband took it very well. He turned the other cheek. I, on the other hand, had a harder time with it. I over-analyzed our position to be sure there wasn't anything else WE could do to improve the relationship. (am I intolerant? unfair? is it my fault?)

Because of your book, Surviving a Shark Attack (on Land), I have been set free. Without realizing it until reading your book, we have been "sticking it to them" for awhile now. My husband and I have transformed ourselves into strong tri-athletes, and we impress ourselves and each other all the time. We have taken our kids on many more fun family adventures. We are happy. We laugh, we love, we enjoy each other tremendously. And I no longer feel bad about that. The tension has been lifted, the feelings are gone, and I am having the time of my life and loving every minute of it. Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you.

Your loyal listener of 15+ yrs,

PS I am so sorry for the pain that caused you to write this book. Please know your hurt has been transformed into a huge help to the world. You have helped me in so many ways. I have listened to you since college, and you helped me make good, smart, moral decisions, which helped me choose a great man, which helped me be a great stay-at-home mom to 2 well-behaved, healthy, joyful kidlets. Thank you for everything. I hope you are on the air forever. I cannot imagine a world without your beautiful voice.


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