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Email of the Day

Single Professional Female with Morals

Hi Dr. Laura!

I need encouragement! I'm a single (never married), professional female, age 32, with a Masters degree in Nurse Anesthesia. I listen to your show as often as I can (usually on podcasts) and I want to thank you for your promotion of single living without "shacking up." I firmly believe, as I know you do, women should not live with a man prior to marriage, nor have sex with them before they are joined in matrimony. It is very hard in this day and age to stay committed to such morals, especially with the endless scrutiny of my peers.

I have ended several relationships because I would not relent to the pressure of my boyfriend wanting to have sex. It has amazed me how much sex ultimately meant to these men, and how apparently little I meant to them, in the end. Even with telling these men in the beginning I would not have sex before marriage, they would still become angry, and even hostile when I would not relent, especially once the relationship became more serious. I guess they figured I would succumb to their "charms" after a few months. I am proud to say I have not! Even despite ultimatums, claims of "if you love me you would do it", and the return to being alone (again), I stood firm. One man even told me there were no men who would pursue a relationship with a woman without sex, and if they did, they were either gay or bisexual!

It can be so frustrating - there are many times when I wonder if a "real" man is out there who would love me and respect me so much he would wait. But I really do believe there are men like this out there. And, God willing, I will meet him when the time is right.

So Dr. Laura, never stop encouraging us single women out here in your audience that strive to uphold our morals! It is a difficult struggle, but being able to proudly hold my head high on my wedding day next to my groom will be worth it! Thank you for all you do, and for helping gals like me stay on the right track. Maybe we could come up with a slogan for single women, like you do for mothers (i.e. I am my kid's Mom). Maybe something like "I can honestly wear white on my wedding day!" or "I'm single and I don't shack up!"

Thank you for your guidance - have a great day!


Tags: Abstinence, Dating, Morals, Ethics, Values, Sex, Social Issues, Values, Virginity
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