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Email of the Day

Technology and Humans

When television was introduced at the 1939 World’s Fair, it was touted as the ultimate teaching tool. The world could literally send knowledge out to the people, and enlightenment would ensue. By the 1950s, it was being called "The Boob Tube".

In the 1990s the newly budding internet was aptly being called "The Information Super Highway". Today, it's the vast electronic waste land.

It's not the technology; it's the people who use it. This new information is only highlighting human baseness, amplifying stupidity, and even promoting ignorance. Looking at recent movies and television programming only illustrates the effect even more.

Human relationships are cultivated, not found online. Next time you move to a new home, contact all your Facebook pals, and see how many show up to help. I've often heard about what kind of world we're leaving our kids. I worry about what kind of kids we are leaving the world.


Tags: Internet-Media, Read On-Air, Technology
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