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Letters From Listeners

Thank you from a Stay At Home Mom

Dr Laura, 

I have been a stay at home mom to my 4-year-old son and I you to thank for that. I have endured disrespect and shaming for this choice. Incredibly, most of this has come from my own mom who also was a stay at home mother. 

Regardless of the criticism, I have stood by my son's side. I am proud that my son stands out in any crowd. I ALWAYS get the same comments, even from complete strangers: "Wow, he speaks so clearly. Wow he is so smart. He is so friendly." My son has grown up knowing that he is very special, not just a number in a daycare center or in a preschool. My reward is everyday with him. He is a wonderful kid. 

So, thanks to you, I am now very proud of my choices. Knowing that I have made such a difference in my child's life is extremely rewarding. Even though others have looked down on me, I admire my son and I am thankful for being his full time mom.
Thank you Dr. Laura I don't know If I could have done it without your support. I love you!


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Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Day Care, Parenting, Regarding Dr. Laura, Stay-at-Home Mom
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