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Letters From Listeners

Words I'm Living By

Dear Dr. Laura, 

A call that stayed with me was from a woman who had been a runner. While training, she fell in the street, causing her so much emotional pain she no longer has the motivation to run. Not in these exact words, you told her that her fear of running is not because of the fall, but rather it has become an excuse. Prior to that fall, she believed she could beat her best time. Now she can say, "IF I were running again, I could totally beat my best time." That alleviates the pressure of actually having to fulfill that promise. I think your advice was absolutely correct and spot on.

I'm finding myself thinking of that call often and how what I say or do impacts things in my life. Am I not doing an activity because I really can't or because it's easier to think "What If?!" I just wanted to say that your words resonated with me and I appreciate your advice often. Thank you for all that you do. 



Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Eat Less-Move More, Health, Mental Health, Response to a Call
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