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Email of the Day

You Remind Me Of My Mom

You remind me of my mom with many of the things you say.  She passed away five years ago, and I miss her terribly.  She was a single mom for many years and taught my sister and I self-respect and class.  Once I heard you talking about young women who don't have self-respect, and how they "give it away for free."  It reminded me of how my mom used to say the same thing!  She would stay things like "you are sexy with all your clothes on," and "it leaves more to the imagination when you don't have things hanging out!"  I wish every parent would teach these important life skills to their children.

Thank you for being brave every day and for telling people what they need to hear and not what they want to hear.  My mother was brutally honest like you, and it was exactly what I needed to survive.  I have respect for you both because you are strong women who also know how to be ladies. 


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Tags: Attitude, Character-Courage-Conscience, Motherhood-Fatherhood, Parenting, Values
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