
The thing parents should be worried most about Internet pornography is the victimization of their children. Whether it's being preyed upon by a pedophile or experiencing crass sex totally disconnected from intimacy, it's all victimization... More >>
Tags: Internet, Internet-Media, Marriage, Morals, Ethics, Values, Parenting, Religion, Sex, Sexuality, Social Issues, Values
 I hear from (and about) a lot of women who say they're not interested in sex, and they are married to men who vowed fidelity, and so those men are now literally out in the cold.Many women can be quite cruel about their behavior:' telling their husbands to "just deal with it" or challenge them into getting a "girlfriend."' These same women may throw a fit if their husband pleasures himself while watching Internet pornography consisting of a man and a woman engaged in passionate sex.Sheesh!' They can't have it both ways, unless women expect their men to bust their buns taking care of children and a wife without the normal, expected "reward" of love and passion.Some women have medical issues which cut down on their feeling sexy, but not many medical issues truly inhibit women from pleasing their husbands, and then discovering themselves getting "turned on" in the process.Most of the time, too many wives just get lazy and self-centered about taking care of their romantic and sexual lives because of kids' schedules, friends and relatives, and "busy busy" stuff that just consumes every ounce of their energy.' Let's be honest - that's an excuse and not a real reason.' You can pace yourself and make choices.' Many women don't bother, and feel that the sexual needs of their husbands are burdens to them and not a compliment or offer of ecstasy.Interestingly, many of these women are the ones who call me, complaining that their husbands don't do much for them on Valentine's Day, or birthdays and anniversaries.' Are you kidding?' What is he to celebrate?' Marriage and family have turned him into an asexual monk!Women's sexuality requires "priming," while guys are just about always "ready to roll."' A lot of that priming has to happen in
head:' thinking affectionately about sensual things, bathing, primping and flirting - the kinds of things wives tend to leave at the altar or in the birthing room.I have come to feel sorry for husbands in general in America today.' The feminist mentality that has labeled any male needs as "oppression" has certainly poisoned a lot of minds out there.If you think you're one of those, or if you need your attitude jump-started, read
The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands
.' It's helped a lot of women get happier.
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Tags: Marriage, Men's Point of View, Relationships, Sex, Sexuality, Woman Power, Woman Power: Transform Your Man
 A 44 year-old woman filed a complaint about her doctor after a tense consultation with him in 2009 in New Zealand.' The doctor said "effing" three times to the woman after she told him she didn't like the word "diet," and preferred he use the term "lifestyle."' He insisted that she needed to go on an "effing" diet.' According to the woman, the doctor told her that if she couldn't handle the word "diet," then he challenged her motivation and stated that she would never survive gastric bypass surgery because she was still "bullxxxxing" herself and therefore her thinking was still "effed."The physician, fed up with her, scratched her name from the gastric bypass waiting list.New Zealand's Health and Disability Commissioner said the doctor, who completely admitted using bad language, was reprimanded for being unprofessional and insulting.The doctor WAS unprofessional and insulting AND completely correct!' When people move less and eat more and want magical means to become physically normal and healthy, it does frustrate and exhaust the patience of people who are there to help.' This doctor could just have been having a bad day, but I think it is more likely that he was just tired of the wordplay and mind games of those who simply don't display self-discipline or take serious responsibility for their condition (but who expect respect as though their condition was out of their control - when it is definitely NOT).The doctor
have been reprimanded, but so should this patient!
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Tags: Health, Sex, Sexuality
 I'm still laughing...I read an article last week in one of the online news reporting sites about a new book on economics, called
.' In the book, the authors discuss the issue of prostitution in today's economic climate.' As it turns out, prostitution was a profitable enterprise (focusing on mainstream sex acts) until the sexual liberation movement in the 1960s changed
"the business of intimacy, and a generation of 'free love' altered the marketplace forever."
"modesty traditionally displayed by women in search of Mr. Right evolved to a bold pursuit of Mr. Right Now."
The 1960s genesis of casual sex became prostitution's direct rival.So, prices for sex acts plummeted.' Hookers had competition from the average woman who would have sex for free (without even getting a dinner out of it). Being entrepreneurial, hookers then began to provide more unconventional sex -' the kind of things men can't get from their girlfriends - and the price for those often depraved acts hauled the fees way back up.As one call girl said:
"Thank God prostitution is illegal, 'cause if it weren't, I wouldn't be making $500 an hour; I'd probably be back doing what I was doing, which was working as a computer technician for a Fortune 500 company."
Of course, if you're the prostitute for a state governor, you'll probably get lots of media offers!The call girl entrepreneur who was interviewed was asked whether or not she would suggest this "career" for her daughter.' She obfuscated like crazy, saying she hoped it would be only one of many, many options, and then the article ended with the revelation that she's now quitting prostitution to go to school to study economics.' I guess morality finally caught up to her.This is why I use the term "unpaid whore" for women who shack up with guys, rather than dignify themselves and sexual intimacy with a marital commitment.' I tell them that at the very least, they ought to be paid for sex, since it ultimately means nothing profoundly important to him past the orgasm.' Now I can mention that they are taking food out of the mouths of prostitutes and their families!!Women cannot run away from their true nature, and our true nature (apart from any psychological problems) is to nurture and nest.' We can act like wild women and say it's our right and freedom, but I take the calls every day from disillusioned, hurt women who
, in fact, expect love and loyalty from the men they had sex with.So, ladies, have pity on the call girls and prostitutes.' Give them back their turf, and re-elevate womanhood so that men again have a mountain to climb and earn, and therefore
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Tags: Behavior, Budget, Feminism, Finances, gratitude, Sex, Sexuality, Social Issues
Tags: Charity, Humor, Internet-Media, Internet/Media, iPhone, Morals, Morals, Ethics, Values, Political Correctness, Sex, Sexuality, Social Issues, Values
 I think it's outrageous that a married couple is suing WalMart for calling the cops over what
called "bath time photos."A year ago in Peoria, Arizona, mommy and daddy sent 144 family photos to be developed to WalMart.' The developer spotted eight photos of children in provocative positions, with their genitals exposed.' Apparently, the parents say that they
"have told our girls that they have freedom to be in their home and feel okay about their bodies and their nudity, but that there is a time and a place for it."
I couldn't agree more....and a store photo development establishment is probably NOT the place for it.' You know how cheap it is to download your own photos?' Sheesh!Obviously, these folks are big into nudity and the carefree expression of such, so their getting angry that the police and child protective services were brought in to investigate should have been an expected consequence of their beliefs. It is the intent of a civilized society to protect the old, infirm, and the young from exploitation and abuse.' The police and child protective services and the WalMart photo developer did the right thing.After psychiatric exams and a full investigation, it was determined by a judge that these parents didn't intend any abuse, nor were they revving up for child porn.' Fine.' Happy ending.But they should have been sensitive and non-defensive enough to understand the idea of protecting children always comes
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Tags: Children, Family/Relationships - Children, Parenting, Sex, Sexuality, Social Issues, Values