"I've been out of work for quite a while now, but have been given the opportunity to work for a friend of mine who has a fast-growing technology company."
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Tags: Business, Character, Courage, Conscience, Character-Courage-Conscience, Cliff Ennico, Education, Finances, Job, Personal Responsibility, School, Stay-at-Home Mom, Values, Work from Home
"I own a commercial nursery with about 30 seasonal employees. My kids also work for me. One morning, my daughter tacked a hand-made poster with a Bible verse on my door. It referred to flowers and nature. My door faces into the break room."
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Tags: Budget, Cliff Ennico, Job, Morals, Ethics, Values, Religion, Social Issues, Stay-at-Home Mom, Work from Home, Workplace
Social Media is quickly growing into one of the most-used marketing tools for work-at-home moms. One of the largest social media websites, Twitter.com, can be an effective way to spread the word about your business and learn from other top representatives in your business niche. However, it can take a lot of time to determine the best ways to use Twitter effectively for business.
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Tags: Internet-Media, Internet/Media, Motherhood, Motherhood-Fatherhood, Parenting, Social Media, Stay-at-Home Mom, Tips
An Oregon middle school teacher has publicly denounced the Tea Partiers - a grassroots political organization which opposes many of President Obama's health and financial concepts and actions - as
"a loose affiliation of racists, homophobes and morons"
among more offensive names.The school district placed him on leave, pending the conclusion of an investigation by the school district into whether he used school hours or computers to work on his anti-Tea Party website, and if his political activity was appropriate behavior for a teacher of middle school students.The teacher had announced his intention to embarrass Tea Partiers by attending their rallies dressed as Adolf Hitler, carrying signs bearing racist, sexist, and anti-gay epithets, and acting as offensively as possible, according to FoxNews.com.The Oregon Tea Party organization is quoted as saying that the teacher doesn't need to lose his job.' He just needs to have sensitivity and anger management training.I think they're just being politically correct.' He should be fired for sure.He has the responsibility of teaching and role-modeling the proper behavior for a citizen in a democracy.' Attempting to embarrass and destroy an opposing point of view is not part of the democratic process, in spite of the fact that it seems like the main means of discourse in our society at present.' And it has to stop ''somewhere.He could have had his students do a project, learning about the positions of the Tea Party movement, and to critique them, with pros and cons as they see them (in spite of the fact that most kids their age pretty much just parrot what they learn at home).' Nonetheless, debates and critical essays are what he should be teaching, not "search and destroy."I hope he is fired ASAP.'' Let that be a lesson!
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Tags: Education, Politics, School, Stay-at-Home Mom, Teachers, Ten Stupid Things Couples Do to Mess Up Their Relationships, Values
Cruising through the news sites, I recently came across a list of the Top 25 Most Romantic Movies.' I was amazed at a number of the choices:' adult male dancer in cheap resort "doing" a teenage girl (like they have a future together!); a woman having sex with her fianc''s younger brother; people who meet while on a European excursion and immediately become intimate, and on and on.'When I was younger, I used to just "watch" movies and get caught up in the mushy emotions.' As an adult (and
as "Dr. Laura"), I watch movies on a much deeper level, and I'm not happy with the notion that as long as two people are swept up in fantasy and immediacy, it's just
b e a u t i f u l
.'Maybe it's because I spend hours each day on my radio program helping people extricate their hearts, minds, and collateral damage from their decisions to just go with the flow of erotic and romantic feelings.' I'm left trying to help them remedy the hurts done to others as well as themselves and the "accidental" children who do not typically benefit from "conception-on-the-run."'The film
The African Queen
was, for me, one of the most romantic movies of all time.' Humphrey Bogart gives up being a surly, drunk, self-designated outcast for Katharine Hepburn, who gives up being an up-tight, prissy, self-avowed spinster, for a
, using his little beat-up boat to sink a German war boat.' Having that joint goal (well, she had to work hard to get him out of his shell to be brave enough to re-join the world), and having to deal with deadly elements on a six-foot power skiff together, they built something really romantic.'Those of you who are married and struggling with illness or the economic "elements" should watch that movie together...twice!' I believe it will make you snuggle.' What brings people really close together is not just itinerant sex.' It is a joint goal, the attainment of which requires you both to become MORE.' Sometimes that goal is survival, and at other times, it may be the birth of a child, or a commitment to some effort in the world.' Great sex is the prize...it is
the substance of true love.
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Tags: Attitude, Budget, Cliff Ennico, Dating, Internet-Media, Internet/Media, Personal Responsibility, Purpose, Stay-at-Home Mom, Work from Home
In a recent radio interview, I discussed the issue of "webtribution," a term coined by Elizabeth Bernstein in
The Wall Street Journal
to describe people who use the Internet to get revenge - i.e., publicly to hurt another human being with whom they are not happy.The Internet is anonymous, immediate, and gratifying in the moment.' In human history, vengeance is not unfamiliar - people haven't changed that much.' Their means of delivering pain has evolved from poison, duels, clever rumors, and Machiavellian manipulation to the world wide web.' In some ways, damaging someone's reputation is akin to murdering them, as their reputation is devastated world-wide and forever, making it difficult for them to function in private relationships as well as in the community and at work.To quote
The Wall Street Journal:
"Most of us have heard of someone posting naked photos of an 'ex' online.' Or writing nasty reviews for a restaurant or book, not because they dislike the product, but because they dislike the person who created it.' Or signing up an acquaintance for [unwanted] e-mail advertising lists."
My opinion is that it should be illegal, as it is immoral, to post information or opinion about people without identifying yourself.' Obviously, it is also cowardly.' Google and all other such carriers should not permit anonymity.' That would immediately change the complexion of what is posted, and I don't think they'd lose business, except from those who use the Internet for evil (terrorists of the international and interpersonal kind).
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Tags: Behavior, Character, Character, Courage, Conscience, Character-Courage-Conscience, Civility, Ethics, Internet, Internet-Media, Internet/Media, Jill Cooper, Morals, Morals, Ethics, Values, Simple Savings, Social Issues, Social Networking, Stay-at-Home Mom, Values
Today, I've got a guest blog today from Olivia:
Hi, Dr. Laura:
I am a 25 year old married mother of two small boys.' Minutes ago, I just finishedreading your book "Stupid Things Parents Do To Mess Up Their Kids."' This is why [my reading this] is so timely:
A year ago, some family crisis propelled me into quitting my part-time, yet demanding, job.' In many ways, it was a dream job - part-time, flexible, good pay (or so I thought), and fantastic for my resume.' My family began to deteriorate rather quickly in spite of our kids not being in day care. My job went to my head, and I spent horrible amounts of time on things that had nothing to do with my family, and even harmed my family relationships.' I was being selfish, stupid, and immature as I sought out personal satisfaction and success.
After a major and deserving blow from life, I quit my job, in spite of my board wanting me to stay.' In the last year, I have been focusing on my family more, but have been dabbling in a small business.' Lately, business has been slow, and I have been praying for it to pick up, or to open my eyes to what God would have me do instead.' Stupid, I know, as I have two beautiful sons staring me in the face every day.
A couple of days ago, when I was in the library with my kids, I had this sudden desire to grab a parenting book (no idea what kind), but in a rush I went to the section, perused quickly and grabbed your book.' You loudly and clearly stating things I knew in my heart, but hadn't allowed to be voiced in my head.' I really believe this was a divine intervention.
I know that I am not in the season of life to devote lots of time and energy to anything or anyone other than my family.' You are completely right about everything you said in your book.' Shame on the "so-called" (love how you made fun of that) professionals who tease, shame, and humiliate young, educated women who choose family over career.' And shame on we self-proclaimed "strong" women who allow ourselves to be cowed from taking full-time responsibility for our children, family and home life if we are able.
I used to feel embarrassed or apologetic when admitting I was a married mother of two at my age.' Now I feel grateful for the path I have chosen, and my joy is full as I recognize the deep personal growth and learning my divinely appointed "job" grants me each and every day as I sacrifice, love, and nurture my family.
Thanks, Dr. Laura.' We need more women to speak out the way you do.
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Tags: Family/Relationships - Children, Parenting, Stay-at-Home Mom, Stay-At-Home-Moms