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February 03, 2014 - Hour 3
Adam's sense of trust was shattered when the love of his life cheated.
February 03, 2014 - Hour 1
Reasons to End a Friendship / Terry's health is generally poor, leaving her unwilling or unable to have sex.
February 03, 2014 - Hour 2
With the loving gone, Danielle thinks she married the wrong man.
January 31, 2014 - Hour 1
Helping vs. Enabling / He doesn't understand exactly why, but the fact is that Paul isn't comfortable in a healthy relationship.
January 31, 2014 - Hour 2
Barbara's husband went in for plastic surgery and came out looking worse than before.
January 31, 2014 - Hour 3
Jane hasn't always made the right decisions, but now she thinks (maybe) this guy is the one.
January 30, 2014 - Hour 1
There was a technical glitch with each hour of today's show. Please re-download these links. We apologize for the inconvenience.
How to Stop Being a Perfectionist / After hearing news that her mother-in-law is an abusive woman, Amanda discovered that her husband knew all along.
January 30, 2014 - Hour 2
Widowed for two years now, Kelly feels uneasy about dating.
January 30, 2014 - Hour 3
Even though her mental illness is in check, Vanessa worries about the effects of her condition on her future kids.
January 29, 2014 - Hour 1
Why Good People Don't Do the Right Thing / Katherine knows what she needs to do with her manipulative man, but doing it requires more guts than are currently at her disposal.
Dr Laura