Nobody married should think their relationship is immune to affairs. Unless it’s an issue of low character, spouses who cheat typically stray to fulfill a need not being met by their partner. That’s why you need to safeguard your marriage with caring and effort. Here are 3 ways to protect your marriage from infidelity:
Be physically and emotionally intimate. Practice the 3 A’s: attention, affection, and appreciation. Touch, caress, hold hands, cuddle, kiss, and hug. Show your spouse how much he or she means to you. Just having sex isn’t enough. If you make your spouse feel valued, they won’t stray (unless you married a person of poor character).
Close the door on old loves. Don’t message them on Facebook. Don’t play with the past. The fantasy looks much better than any reality.
Never discuss your marital problems with someone you’re drawn to in a physical way. Practicing monogamy requires effort - don’t flirt with anyone other than your spouse.
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