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Tip of the Week

9 Steps to Personal Wellness and Transformation

By Sherrie Campbell

Creating a sense of genuine well-being and happiness is a lifelong and exciting endeavor.   It involves being mindful of your values and making them work in a world that is full of change, duality, wonder, and challenges. Having a sense of personal wellness requires you to transform and grow with life.

9 Steps to Personal Wellness

Read: Reading engages your attention and acts as a beautiful distraction from your outside pressures.  It is like a mini-vacation for the mind and emotions, and acts as a form of meditation.  It calms the spirit, inspires, educates and increases your connection to your inner world.

Journal:  Journaling is the best way to develop a deep relationship with yourself.  Journaling keeps you in conversation with your inner life so you more effectively understand who you are and your reactions to the world. It helps you to know what you need, what you want, what you deserve, and also what you may need to change.   It is your own path to personal intimacy. 

Do what you love, love what you do: If you love what you do and are contributing to the well-being of yourself and others, you get to spend the majority of your time in life doing something which has deep meaning for you and a positive result in the larger world.  Personal well-being must come through your work as much as any other area because this is where you spend the majority of your time.  If you love what you do, you are bound to be successful.

Help others:  You grow in spiritual wealth from what you contribute to others.  This does not have to be something major.  It could be a simple hug or an acknowledgment of someone else that changes that person's day.  Be mindful of others and reach out each day in some way that is positive to the enhancement of someone else's moment.  The return gift from giving is your own well-being.

Relax:  Humans are rushing creatures.  We rush here and there desperately trying to keep our lives together.  However, the more you do this, the quicker things fall apart.  A night away from where you live or your regular routine to rejuvenate is not only nurturing for your soul, but it reminds you that there is life outside of the chaos.  Breathe and relax - you deserve it and you will have the fuel to continue on.

Refresh:  Go outside, get a massage, purchase a new outfit, have a bath or take a nap.  Whatever it is that makes you feel a sense of new life, do it.  Refreshing yourself allows you to take a moment to remember all that you have in this life.  Just take a moment... and refresh. 

Have a purpose:  Purpose brings direction.  Direction brings a sense of security. Security provides a sense of well-being and achievement.  The byproduct of achieving is happiness.  Having a purpose serves as a guide and a stabilizing structure allowing well-being to be experienced.

Attitude:  A positive attitude helps you maintain a sense of flexibility to move through all of life's changes.  Positivity and flexibility help you attract all the dreams and desires that you have.  As you stay attuned to being positive, you grow and transform into the newer and newer versions of the you which you want to become. 

Responsibility: Being responsible is the heartbeat of life. It makes life work.  If life works, you will experience well-being. Everyone is capable of being responsible.  If you have your responsibility in check, your life will flow smoother.

To achieve personal wellness, you must start by being mindful and learning as much as you can about what things bring you a sense of wholeness and satisfaction.  Then you must commit to making those healthy decisions for yourself and your life because you know you are worth it.

Little life message:  Wellness is a mindful, joyful practice.

Dr. Sherrie Campbell is an author and a licensed psychologist with more than 19 years of clinical training and experience. She provides practical tools to help people overcome obstacles to self-love and truly achieve an empowered life. Click here to get her free article, “Five Ways to Make Love the Common Ground in Your Communication.”  She is a featured expert on a variety of national websites and has a successful practice in Southern California. Receive free insights from Sherrie and be involved in her Facebook community of others looking to improve their relationships. For more information visit Permission granted for use on
Tags: Attitude, Health, Personal Responsibility, Purpose, Responsibility, Values
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