What can you do to avoid having your spouse cheat on you, or you feel the need to cheat on them? Here are five simple strategies:
- Marry somebody of high character.
- Know somebody for about two years before you marry. You can't discern if someone has high character unless you actually know them. Get to know their family, friends, business associates, and activities. Learn how they handle certain situations. Only then will you know if you've met a real gentleman or lady.
- Wait until you're close to 30 to get married. Your level of maturity increases a lot during your 20s.
- Stay clear of any opportunities. Opportunities present themselves all the time, so do what Billy Graham did. Don't be alone with a member of the opposite sex, and you won't be tempted.
- Don't give your spouse a reason to feel a need. One of the things I talk about in my book, The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, is that a large percentage of the time, guys who cheat just want attention and affection. Compared to women, men are very uncomplicated. Unless he has low character, a guy is not going to be hungry if he's getting love, attention and affection.