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Making Judgments About The Supreme Court's Latest Decision About Abortion
IconI just about lost it reading Linda P. Campbell's syndicated column ( ) about the Supreme Court's abortion decision not being simple or neat. Let me take some of her points one by one, as she explains her abhorrence of any controls over any abortion, in addition to the barbaric sucking out of a baby's brain after the head emerges from the birth canal (partial birth abortion). First, she says " And of course, a woman who's about to undergo an abortion ought to understand the details, risks and implications just as much as she should before a tummy tuck, hip replacement, or appendectomy ."All those procedures require an office visit and an explanation of the process, and then a new appointment for the procedure.  Call any Planned Parenthood you like - or walk in, and you can get an abortion right then and there, as long as it isn't too busy.  Planned Parenthood, NOW (the National Organization of "I don't know what kind of " Women) and other "feminist" organizations have always been against the waiting period, a sonogram to show the baby's level of development, or a discussion about the benefits of giving life and finding a suitable two-parent, married mom and dad family for adoption.Second, she says, " I can't imagine the circumstances that would cause a woman to choose abortion.  But I can appreciate that each one who does has reasons that only she can reconcile with her conscience ."I have been on radio taking calls from slightly more than 50% women for 32 years.   I know why women have abortions, because they've called.  It is rarely because of severe anomalies or life-threatening circumstances.  It is generally because of "circumstances," usually meaning the one-night stand, casual boyfriend, fiancé, or sometimes husband doesn't want a child or else dumps them.Ms. Campbell continues: "It's all too tempting to make judgments about which motives we consider justified and which we don't.  But then we risk wandering into scary territory.  How far do we want to let lawmakers and zealots reach into our most personal and private decisions when they haven't a clue about what's best for us?" What?? We should make no judgments about motivations to kill another human being?  Self-defense in an armed robbery deserves the same respect as the intentional murder of innocents by a suicide-bombing?  A woman who keeps having casual sex and uses abortion as birth control can't be judged differently from a pregnant woman with a serious heart problem who might die if the pregnancy goes to term?I, for one, am sick and tired with the "nothing should be judged" nonsense.  Of course we judge - that's how we make decisions and choices every day.  To judge is to discern good from evil, right from wrong, and selfish from selfless.  Without that, we are just lower animals.Abortions out of shame, embarrassment, or inconvenience are a horrible, despicable disaster.  An Abortion to save the life of the mother is self-defense. There.  I dared to judge.
Tags: Behavior, Education, gratitude, Social Issues, Values
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