The organization "Students for Life of America" has released yet another undercover video of a nurse at a New Jersey Planned "Un-Parenthood" facility describing how an abortion would be performed on a 22 week-old unborn child and admitting that some babies survive such abortions.
"It does happen,"
the nurse said.Well, here we are again with another YouTube.com or Eyeblast.tv video (
) demonstrating either the illegality (i.e., not reporting minor girls pregnant by adult men) or immorality of Planned "Un-Parenthood" Clinics.In the SFLA's video, the nurse explains the late-term abortion procedure to the pregnant woman, while the woman questions the nurse about the details.
"Is the baby alive?"
asks the pregnant woman.
"Usually not,"
the nurse replies. The woman asks if the baby could be born alive, to which the nurse responds:
"Usually, for the most part no, but it does happen. It's an actual delivery,"
her explanation continues,
"but it wouldn't be able to survive on its own, so eventually the baby does die."
According to the Catholic News Agency, Kristan Hawkins, SFLA Executive Director, commented on the video:
"I was absolutely stunned when the Planned Parenthood nurse revealed that allowing a baby to die after being born alive is a common practice for abortionists. This is outright infanticide."
SFLA has called on Congress to investigate Planned Parenthood, which reportedly receives about $300 million in taxpayer funding each year. Apparently, there is not a law protecting those who survive abortions. Critics of such a bill claim that such a law or requirement - to tend to the life birth - would burden the original decision of the woman and the physician to induce labor and perform an abortion.Oh my gosh, when a human being survives the attempt to destroy them, they are left to die in order not to burden a physician and an almost-mother? What kind of civilization thinks this way?I'll tell you what this is really about: if Planned "Un-Parenthood" saved the lives of babies who survive their abortions, then women would less likely come to them for abortions, and that would hurt Planned "Un-Parenthood's" bottom line. According to National Right To Life (
), the dedication of Planned Parenthood to abortion is...apparent:
"against 264,943 abortions, Planned Parenthood saw just 12,548 prenatal clients. This means that it was 21 times more likely that a pregnant woman coming into a Planned Parenthood clinic would receive an abortion than receive prenatal care. In 2005, in its entire nationwide network of over 860 clinics, Planned Parenthood saw just 248 infertility clients. Put another way, this means Planned Parenthood Federation of America treated just one infertility patient for every 1,068 abortions it performed. Adoption services or referrals aren't even mentioned."
Planned "Un-Parenthood" is always screeching in its fundraising warning letters that it is about protecting women's reproductive choices, but what one of its latest service reports shows is how rarely Planned Parenthood's plans involve parenthood, and just how often they involve abortion, which is why I call it "Planned Un-Parenthood."