Pastor Alexander Hardy, Jr. of the New Dimension Worship Center in Frederick, Maryland banded together with 16 other churches to present Families United '08 two weekends ago. This was a three-day conference for children and adults, including workshops and fun and games. Sunday was even declared Marriage Day in Frederick, by way of a proclamation from the mayor and aldermen.The point of this effort was to send a message of hope and perseverance to younger adults. The religious aspect was not incidental: one participant said that building a relationship with God has made all the difference in building relationships with his wife and children:
"When we got married, we didn't know God. God has taught us to be humble; taught us we don't always have to be right or have it our way."
All together, about 350 people attended this event, with six couples renewing their vows in front of their children and community. Inspiring!