Of the people who commented on a recent news story in which several so-called "mistresses" and a wife blindfolded and bound a man and then Krazy Glued his penis to his stomach, 68% of them LAUGHED. They actually LAUGHED at this story.They wouldn't have laughed if it were the other way around, i.e., if several men glued a woman's genitals closed. I am amazed that these women don't think they did anything wrong in this attack! I can immediately think of a whole bunch of things, including false imprisonment, assault, sexual assault - and that's just for starters.This is the story. The married man from Wisconsin planned to rendezvous with one of his several lovers at a motel. The four women (including his wife) planned to have one of them make that "date" so that then they could ambush him together. One of the women told investigators that she met him online through Craigslist, fell in love (online), and paid for his use of a motel room for the past two months. She, like the others, gave this man money. So, let's review: these scummy women picked up a guy off the Internet, decided it was "love," and paid for motel sex and gave him money! And they were expecting what? True romance, honesty, integrity and everlasting love??I honestly can't understand why they're even angry. They brought this on themselves, by acting like they were somewhere between sluts and purchasers of prostitution. During this ugly episode, unbelievably, one of them asked him which woman he loved the most! What does love have to do with any of this? Another threatened to shoot him.Apparently, his wife knew all about the honeys he had on the side, but instead of hitting the "eject" button, she decided to participate in this assault. Obviously, he's a jerk. But now, these women are all possible felons.