While shopping for groceries earlier this month, my 7-year-old daughter asked if she could stay in the Easter aisle while I grabbed a carton of milk. As long as she was in eyesight, I said yes... More >>
I started listening to you twenty years ago, and at that time you continually encouraged parents to catch their kids doing something 'right'... More >>
How can you cut behavioral problems off at the pass or at least deal with them in a way that makes them less powerful or less frequent? It really all comes down to common sense and compassion for your kids... More >>
Several years ago, as we were getting ready to go to church, my daughters asked me for money to give in their Bible Study class. I hadn't gotten paid yet, so I didn't have any money at all... More >>
There was a big discussion in our school district about bullying and how it is perpetrated by a very small percentage of students. What wasn't mentioned, and the biggest problem to my mind, is all the students who stand by and do nothing... More >>
Twenty-two years ago, I was a high-powered saleswoman, making $200,000 a year. Since I was in the car a lot, I started listening to talk radio and there you were, telling me to stay at home with my kidlets... More >>
My 13-year-old son aspires to be a motorcycle mechanic and saved up to purchase a motor kit for his bicycle. I found him in the garage one Saturday, hunched over his bike, frustrated to the point of tears... More >>
Since I've been listening to you, I've heard many callers ask you how to boost their 'self-esteem,' only to have you tell them that they must impress themselves rather than try to 'love themselves'... More >>