There's a trend that's growing stronger: boys are asking girls to formal dances with the sort of over-the-top gestures that rival grown men proposing marriage. More >>
Recently, I attended a child's birthday party of a friend. I sat next to a young woman who was an acquaintance. Somehow we started talking about children and families. More >>
As human beings, we all want to be liked by the people who really matter to us and know that our efforts are appreciated. So, when someone puts us down, excludes us or reacts negatively to what we do, it taps into our individual insecurities and can really sting. More >>
A little bit of skepticism and paranoia is healthy. It's what keeps you alert and aware of bad things that could happen and protects you from being victimized and preyed upon. However, too much negative thinking can be just as enfeebling as walking around with pure naivety. More >>
My close friend of 25 years has become a drunk and a mean drunk in the last 6 times that I have invited her to my home. Last year I told her how upsetting her behavior was, but I know she is still drinking.More >>