...We have a good marriage and worked hard to take care of each other and our family. We had planned a special anniversary celebration in Hawaii for our 35th but had to cancel because of the pandemic. I was very disappointed... More >>
Each time you've spoken to callers lately who have had to rearrange their wedding plans, your encouragement and guidance to them helped shape our wedding plans - to great success... More >>
...My husband and I had a couple of rough, stressful years. Dealing with depression and anxiety and strong-willed children put a strain on our relationship. Bitterness in me built up, and I wouldn't let myself be happy... More >>
I am constantly amazed at how couples struggle in maintaining a loving relationship, yet one or both parties are always thinking of themselves rather than the spouse... More >>
...My husband and I had a couple of rough, stressful years. Dealing with depression and anxiety and strong-willed children put a strain on our relationship. Bitterness in me built up, and I wouldn't let myself be happy... More >>
...I'm newly married and always had a problem prioritizing and balancing my own life with that of my immediate family. I've felt guilty when I have put others before my family... More >>
I've been a stay-at-home mom for the past 14 years. We have four children, ranging in age from 7 to 14. Before this global pandemic and quarantine our lives we really busy. Too busy, in fact... More >>
For years, I've heard you talking about your book, 'The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands,' yet I never purchased it, because I believed I was taking great care of my husband... More >>