I have two beautiful daughters in their 20's and was blessed to have a surprise bonus daughter who is now 4. I can't believe the change in the issue of day care in just 20 years. More >>
People who buy into the "self-esteem movement" figure that the best way to combat low-esteem in kids is to artificially pump them up. However, "person praise" does nothing to actually give them higher self-esteem. More >>
One of Winston Churchill's greatest speeches was just three words: "Never give up!" Here's why we need to pass on Churchill's message to our children... More >>
When asked, "What do you think is an appropriate age for a child to start dating and why?", listeners sent in some passionate thoughts. Here are just a few of them... More >>
Recently, I was driving with my 11-year-old son to his sister's lacrosse game. We were listening to your show when a mom called in about her 8-year-old son. More >>
...In the aftermath of the Aurora and Sandy Hook shootings, this question has once again become a hot-button issue in our society. The reason we don't have a definitive answer is because it's hard to test scientifically. More >>
I always wondered why some women who called you would shack up with men, bring two or three innocent children into the world and then wonder why the men end up leaving and abusing them ten years later. More >>