I am the proud owner of a small takeout pizza place. I am also a member of the Dr. Laura family and I faithfully listen to your show while I work every evening... More >>
Many parents will tell their kids that they can do anything they want and that everything they do is great in order to protect them from failure. However, blowing smoke about how wonderful they are doesn't help kids - it handicaps them from coping with real life. Here are 7 things you should teach your kids to help them deal with failure... More >>
...Since I had only just met the woman when she told us these stories, it took everything I had to not say something - I just sat there aghast at her tales... More >>
Today I read this passage and I immediately thought of you. I thought of how you have made all these words become your life's beliefs and values... More >>
...When we're in an emotional state, we can't communicate or problem solve constructively - our feelings hijack us and block our capacity to focus. We need to find ways to reduce the anger so that we can begin to communicate again... More >>