This is an article I wrote about domestic violence based on my own horrors I went through as a child. It is to any woman who is torn about leaving their "Dear-Violent-Husband."
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Tags: abuse, Marriage, Parenting
 Here's a scenario: some scummy high school boy pulls down your 13-year-old daughter's sweatpants in front of other students at a middle school in New Jersey. The combination of harassment and assault is reported to the school. What happens? The school superintendent asks you, the mother, what kind of underwear your daughter wears in order to determine what was revealed, as though the punishment should fit the size of her drawers instead of the crime itself.
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Tags: Abuse, Child Neglect, Education, Middle school, Morals, Ethics, Values, Parenting, Sex, Social Issues, Values
 Sometimes, especially with younger children, cries of boredom are really calls for companionship and attention-their friends may be away on vacation and without the structure of school they may find it difficult to keep occupied during long summer days. Prolonged intervals where the kids have nothing to do can be stressful for parents. When bored, children often become whiny, cranky and demanding.
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Tags: abuse, Family/Relationships - Children, Family/Relationships - Family, Family/Relationships - Teens, Parenting, Relationships, Relatives, Teens
 I just read an article in USA Today that I think you will find very entertaining and I'd get a kick out of hearing your assessment of it. The article is entitled "Moms, Part-Time Work is Overrated"
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Tags: Abuse, Budget, Child Abuse, Job, Motherhood, Motherhood-Fatherhood, Parenting, part-time work, Read On-Air, SAHM, Social Issues, stay at home mom
 Naomi Campbell is at it again.' She allegedly (that's for legal purposes) bopped her driver hard on the back of his head, which thrust his face into the steering wheel.' He called the police; she ran away.' No charges were filed...
She's been accused of violent outbursts since the Nineties - money is paid/so-called anger management is had/community service is requested - but because she's a "supermodel," the money/hype/power behind that has kept her from the appearance she should be making:' in JAIL, JAIL, JAIL.' Ultimately, there have been no consequences that make a difference to her, and her sense of entitlement has grown to huge proportions.Some background on her I found on the Internet:' her father abandoned her and her mother at birth; her mother abandoned Naomi for a show biz career - Naomi was even involved in show business herself at a very tender age.' I can't be sure without knowing her up close and personal, or from psychiatric work-ups in the anger management sessions she supposedly had, but she sounds very much like she has
borderline personality disorder
.' That does not mean she is insane.' She's perfectly competent and aware of her actions and knows right from wrong.Personality disorders are consistent patterns of behavior that negatively impact relationships and work.' People with borderline personality disorder are impulsive, unstable in their moods, and have chaotic relationships (where they go back and forth from "love" to "hate," depending upon whether or not they are getting their way).' They tend to see things in extremes:' all good or all bad.' They also typically view themselves as victims of circumstance, and take little responsibility for themselves or their problems (which is why they generally don't improve).Their histories show abandonment in childhood, a disruptive family life, poor communication in the family, and sexual abuse.' Consequently, they experience feelings of emptiness and boredom, and displays of inappropriate anger, impulsiveness with money, substance abuse, sexual relationships, binge eating, shoplifting, and more.They don't tolerate being alone, which brings me back to a reported quote by Ms. Campbell published in 2006 in the UK's
The Independent: "Anger is a manifestation of a deeper issue, and that, for me, is based on insecurity, self-esteem and loneliness."
It's sad, but the reality is that if there had been serious consequences for her behavior (rather than her being allowed to dodge prison time), then she might be more careful with the well-being of others.
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Tags: Abuse, Morals, Ethics, Values, Values, Violence
 Remember Columbine?' Two Nazi-loving narcissistic sociopaths murdered teachers and students in their school because it would put them in the spotlight of history.....forever.No one stepped forward to stop them.The police stayed outside the building.Horrendous mishandling caused many innocent lives to be lost.Fast forward 11 years.Another wacked-out gunman with a bolt-action hunting rifle came onto a Colorado middle school parking lot and starting shooting at students.' He had just wounded two students and seemed ready to massacre more when a tall, skinny teacher (6'5" former college basketball player who oversees the school's track team) decided that this massacre just wasn't going to happen.' He saw the bad guy who was about to reload the chamber and decided that was THE moment.' He ran and tackled the shooter, wrapped his arms and legs around him like a strait jacket from head to toe, and held him for police.' Another teacher came to help keep the creep on the ground.'The two wounded students were hospitalized; one was released and the other was listed in critical condition.The teacher's name?' DAVID BENKE.By the way, the system allowed the gunman to be walking among us.' The bad guy, Bruco Eastwood, has an arrest record in Colorado dating back to 1996 for menacing, assault, domestic violence and driving under the influence.' That's some arrest record - the newspaper account I read did not mention prison time where children would be safe from him.When interviewed, the father of the creep said:
"There's nothing you can say about it.' What can you say?' Pretty dumb thing to do.' I feel bad for the people involved."
Dumb??' When you're talking about attempting to murder children?As for Benke, he still wishes he could have done more:
"It bugs me that he got another round off"
before being taken down.I am all for a trained and armed faculty member or security person on the grounds of every school in America.' Self-defense is a primary right of every living creature.My respect goes to Mr. Benke.' I admire guts, grit, and the compassion to risk to protect the lives of others, especially children.The community should set up a trust account for him so that when he retires, he will be taken care of for the rest of his life.' That's a small thing for saving the lives of so many children, don't you think?
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Tags: Abuse, Education, Family/Relationships - Children, Parenting, School, Violence
 In Port St. Lucie, Florida recently, a six year old was handcuffed (actually, one handcuff was put over both hands - she was a little girl), and hauled off to a mental facility.' The parents were all hysterical and angry that their "little baby" was treated this way.The mother, who works in day care, said
"There is absolutely nothing wrong with my child."
Her father said that what happened to his daughter was
"just wrong."
The school contacted this little girl's parents several times about setting up a meeting to discuss her violent behavior in the classroom, but they never showed up.' Hmmmm.'Here's what happened on that particular day:'The kid had yet another tantrum in the classroom after the teacher simply asked her to do something, and the girl was taken to the principal's office.' The principal, 8 months pregnant, endured the kid yelling, throwing things, kicking the wall, throwing a calculator, electric pencil sharpener, telephone, container of writing utensils and everything else on the desk.' The kid then physically attacked the pregnant principal, who called the police.'In my opinion, the police and the principal did exactly the right thing.' Leave it up to the medical authorities to determine whether this girl is being extremely poorly parented or in need of mental health treatment.'There are those who cry over how little this girl is and wring their hands and say that there must have been some other way.' No, there wasn't.' The parents did not take responsibility, and their shame was delivered as arrogance as they sought sympathy (and probably a lawsuit).'The school is supposed to be a safe place.' This girl was, and is, a threat to other students, the faculty, and herself.' I stand behind the school, the teacher, and the principal.' I wish we could arrest the parents for negligence in letting their daughter's behavior get this far.
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Tags: Abuse, cancer, Education, Family/Relationships - Children, Health, Parenting, School, Violence
 I remember when the Unabomber was caught.' There was an uproar of indignation concerning the fact that it was his brother who "ratted" him out.' When his brother saw the published ramblings of the serial murderer known as the "Unabomber," he recognized the sentiments, mentality, and writing style of his brother, and informed the police.' If memory serves me right,
The Los Angeles Times
had either an editorial or an op-ed piece castigating the brother for essentially "turning on blood."That was a morally repugnant point of view.' Protecting the innocent against evil is the responsibility of every human being, regardless of the "job description" of the evildoer - in this case, a sibling.Fortunately, in England, a wife of twenty years understood her responsibility to others (in this case, children), and set aside emotional pain and potential embarrassment.' She set out to trap her husband, whom she suspected of being a pedophile.' Apparently, her husband chatted with teenagers as he groomed them for sex.The wife pretended to be a 14 year old girl, and caught him in the act.' She was in the neighboring living room while he was in his study sweating over a hot computer, setting "her" up for a meeting to have sex.' He also used a webcam to carry out sex acts and send the videos over the Internet.' Our plucky wife watched this in absolute disgust and horror.She then contacted police who seized his computer.' She didn't march into his study to confront him, cry, or threaten.' Like a good citizen, she just turned it all over to the authorities.
He only received three years of community service and was banned indefinitely from having access in person or online to children under the age of 18.' He also had to register as a sex offender, and, oh yes, she divorced him.
"I did the right thing, and I don't regret it.' Now I just need some time to think and put this all behind me,"
she said to a reporter.She should have gotten a medal.
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Tags: Abuse, Character, Courage, Conscience, Character-Courage-Conscience, Child Abuse, Courage, Family/Relationships - Children, Internet, Internet-Media, Internet/Media, Marriage, Morals, Morals, Ethics, Values, Parenting, Social Issues, Values