You may have a hard time saying no because you don't want to let anyone down, hurt their feelings, or make them mad at you. Yet, despite how complicated everyone wants to make it, saying no is incredibly simple. Here's how you do it... More >>
It bothers me how clueless and selfish so many women are today. I had one of the greatest moms ever. I was the last of eight children and she stayed home to raise every one of us... More >>
I hear a lot of mothers and even fathers talk about how having a baby has destroyed their or their spouse's bodies. Before I became pregnant, someone told me not to have a child, because 'babies ruin your body!'... More >>
...When I first discovered you on the radio, I was doing all the wrong things in my marriage. I was young and immature. My husband, however, is a good man who saw potential in me that I didn't see in myself... More >>
...From first-hand experience, I know how severe anxiety can be as it relates to romantic relationships. Given our new ways of meeting and connecting... More >>
Twelve years and three kids after my wedding, my marriage was in rough shape. I was a stay-at-home mom who homeschooled, but babydom and toddlerhood with three kids had taken its toll... More >>