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The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage
He Did the Dishes In one of your books (I think it was The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, or Marriage), there was a wife who wrote about how she told her husband he looked sexy washing the dishes, so he decided to do it more often! More >>

Tags: MarriageSexThe Proper Care and Feeding of HusbandsThe Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage

...We married 15 years ago and I proceeded to do everything I could to ruin it. We came to a point last summer where we both believed it was over. She had enough of my selfishness, stubbornness and general jerk nature and had tolerated it for a long time...


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Tags: MarriageMen's Point of ViewThe Proper Care & Feeding of MarriageThe Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage

...My husband and I have a "never say no" rule in our house (and in our truck, living room, backyard shed,...). As long as we have at least ten minutes of privacy, and one of us is in the mood, we get it on.

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Tags: MarriageThe Proper Care & Feeding of HusbandsThe Proper Care & Feeding of MarriageThe Proper Care and Feeding of HusbandsThe Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage
Icon...With all of my husband's excitement about my upcoming birthday, I wanted to get him something really special for Valentine's Day... More >>

Tags: MarriageThe Proper Care & Feeding of MarriageThe Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage
IconAfter 28 years of marriage to a wonderful man, who I did not always appreciate the way I should have, but since I read both The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands and... Marriage have and continue to change that.... I wanted to share with you how my husband puts me on a pedestal... More >>

Tags: MarriageThe Proper Care & Feeding of HusbandsThe Proper Care & Feeding of MarriageThe Proper Care and Feeding of HusbandsThe Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage
IconI have to say you have been a blessing to my life and especially with my marriage. I would describe my marriage in two phases: Pre-Book and Post Book. The book in question is your "The Proper Care And Feeding Of Husbands." When my wife advised this was the only thing she wanted for Christmas, I got it for her that day (December 7) early. She told me later that when she started reading it she thought, "It can't be this easy!" Oh, but it was! More >>

Tags: BullyingMen's Point of ViewParentingRead On-AirThe Proper Care & Feeding HusbandsThe Proper Care & Feeding MarriageThe Proper Care and Feeding of HusbandsThe Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage
IconI have been listening for a long time and often heard you speak about the difficulties of blending two families. The first time I heard you mention blended families don't usually work, I was angry with you, because I thought my blended family was a Godsend. We seemed to be functioning just fine(according to me). Well, my husband of four years decided to leave me and my daughters 2 weeks ago and his main reason was "I am tired of being neglected". More >>

Tags: DatingdivorceParentingRead On-AirRelationshipsResponse To A CommentThe Proper Care & Feeding of MarriageThe Proper Care and Feeding of MarriageWomen's Point of View
IconI am a 35 year old mother and wife and my husband is 55. We have been married 9 years and for most of that I was a nagging, unloving selfish woman. It was my way or the highway. I have been changing that and let me tell you there is a HUGE difference in our marriage... More >>

Tags: Motherhood-FatherhoodParentingpregnantProper Care & Feeding of MarriageRead On-AirSAHM stay at home momThe Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage
IconFor me, an "issue" is a subject that comes up with some frequency on my radio program.' And lately, many callers (dealing with a range of concerns from being overweight to being affectionate to finishing school to exercise and more) have phoned wondering where to find "perpetual" motivation.' I know there are audio tape courses, blogs, and books galore on attaining and maintaining motivation, but I believe that is a hopeless quest.' Why?' Because human beings have moods and circumstances that interfere. It is impossible to feel motivated all the time about anything - even things you actually love to do.There are days you wake up tired; there are days you are distracted by work, plumbing, relatives; there are days during which minor or significant disasters occur (like the backing up of a toilet); there are those days during which you become reasonably upset by someone or something.' You get the picture.' Life happens and it impacts your moods and feelings.' Unfortunately, our culture has become enamored of "feelings" over responsibility, discipline, obligations, and common good sense.' We have come to revere feelings as the grand dictator of reality:' if you "feel" it, it makes it so.' If you "feel" your mother-in-law harbors negative thoughts, then you can retaliate, for example.This is why I stop people dead in their tracks so often with "I didn't ask you about your "feelings."' I asked you about what actually occurred."' We can talk about how you interpret what happened; we can talk about your ancient feelings and how they impact how you respond to today's reality, but first, what actually happened?? Feelings are not rational - they have no IQ, and they are self-oriented, as they serve only the self without taking even the "feelings" of other people into account.' Feelings are primitive, and using them as the pivotal point for your reactions to the world is quite childlike.' It takes the maturity of evolving adulthood to temper feelings with the necessity of examining the world and others in it while being less emotional -- sometimes, even bordering on dispassionate as you use your rational mind to assess the situation more concretely.So, back to motivation .' One doesn't have to feel like "it" to "do it."' Having some hang-ups about being affectionate with your spouse because of unpleasant childhood experiences is totally self-centered and ultimately irrational since, unless you married that parent (literally or figuratively), your current spouse is being punished for the misdeeds of the prior generation.' And you are continuing the pain of your childhood all the way into your grave.' What is the answer?' It actually is quite simple:' do what is right, do what is healthy, do what is loving, do what is smart, and do what is compassionate.' That means show affection, even though you aren't motivated.' Exercise every day, even though you don't feel like it.' Clean your house, even though you don't feel like it.' Do someone a difficult favor, even though you don't feel like it.To operate by feelings instead of compassion, discipline and responsibility is to abdicate being an adult.' It also makes you a slave to irrational, often self-defeating emotions, instead of the master of your destiny.' You are more human when you operate from nobility.' You are more adult when you operate from discipline.So, dump the idea of "motivation," and replace it with discipline and nobility, and then see how you feel! More >>

Tags: Personal ResponsibilityThe Proper Care & Feeding of MarriageThe Proper Care and Feeding of MarriageValues